fit 2001 >
Browser >
Ausbreitung > BrowserStatistic 3 |
Überblick |
These tables summarize browsers used by 161352 hosts in 122 countries making 2927681 accesses during April 2001 to the Engineering Workstations WWW server at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The lion's share of accesses to this server are for engineering student home pages. Information about browser types is extracted from the User-Agent HTTP Request header provided by nearly all browsers. Hosts, not accesses or people, are summarized in these tables. That
is, a host gets only one vote (for its most recently used browser.) Thus
browsers on large multi-user Unix systems or proxy servers may in some
sense be under-reported, while those on terminal servers or other networks
using dynamic addresses may perhaps be over-reported. (Note: during this
run 3.7% of the accesses were identifiable as coming from proxy servers.)
Browser DNS DomainsBrowser DNS Domains Hosts % -------------------------------------------- 1. net 53743 33.3 2. com 33695 20.9 3. unregistered 29579 18.3 4. outside usa 21594 13.4 5. edu 18952 11.7 6. us 1655 1.0 7. org 936 .6 8. gov 396 .2 9. mil 382 .2 10. other 420 .3 -------------------------------------------- 1. 7973 4.9 2. 6426 4.0 3. 6151 3.8 4. 5402 3.3 5. ca 4481 2.8 6. 3836 2.4 7. 2411 1.5 8. 2044 1.3 9. 1986 1.2 10. 1782 1.1 11. 1754 1.1 12. 1717 1.1 13. us 1655 1.0 14. 1606 1.0 15. uk 1582 1.0 16. 1576 1.0 17. jp 1523 .9 18. au 1362 .8 19. 1250 .8 20. fr 1236 .8 Browser PlatformsBrowser Platforms Hosts % -------------------------------------------- 1. Windows 115494 71.6 2. Windows NT 15248 9.5 3. Windows 2K (NT5) 14957 9.3 4. Macintosh 8573 5.3 5. X11 2860 1.8 6. other 4220 2.6 Browser FlavorsBrowser Flavors Hosts % -------------------------------------------- 1. Microsoft 126699 78.5 2. Netscape 30128 18.7 3. other 4525 2.8 BrowsersBrowsers Hosts % -------------------------------------------- 1. Microsoft Explorer (Win) 96420 59.8 2. Microsoft Explorer (NT) 25794 16.0 3. Netscape (Windows) 18988 11.8 4. Netscape (Macintosh) 4480 2.8 5. Microsoft Explorer (Mac) 4023 2.5 6. Netscape (NT) 3504 2.2 7. Netscape (X11) 2749 1.7 8. Misc Netscape-compatible 1482 .9 9. Opera 603 .4 10. Netscape (?) 223 .1 11. Microsoft Explorer (WebTV) 222 .1 12. Java/JDK/HotJava 123 .1 13. Lynx 83 .1 14. Crescent ToolPak 62 .0 15. GetRight 50 .0 16. EmailSiphon 39 .0 17. WWWC 38 .0 18. PlanetWeb 37 .0 19. Netscape (OS/2) 28 .0 20. NetPositive (BeOS) 22 .0 21. Microsoft Explorer (X11) 11 .0 22. Active Worlds 7 .0 23. OmniWeb 5 .0 24. Quarterdeck WebCompass 5 .0 25. Linkbot 4 .0 26. NCSA Mosaic 2 .0 27. Amiga (various) 2 .0 28. Cyberdog 1 .0 29. NETCOMplete 1 .0 30. IWENG 1 .0 31. Symantec 1 .0 32. IBM WebExplorer 1 .0 33. NetAttache 1 .0 34. other 2340 1.5 Netscape VersionsVersion Netscape Hosts % -------------------------------------------- 1. v4.5+ 23931 79.4 2. v4 4102 13.6 3. v3 1020 3.4 4. v6 802 2.7 5. v5 205 .7 6. v2 28 .1 7. v1 4 .0 8. v0 2 .0 9. other 34 .1 -------------------------------------------- 1. Win98 10776 35.8 2. Win95 6723 22.3 3. Mac 4480 14.9 4. WinNT 3436 11.4 5. X11 2749 9.1 6. Win16 892 3.0 7. Win2K(NT5) 781 2.6 8. OS/2 28 .1 9. other 263 .9 -------------------------------------------- 1. U.S. 17384 57.7 2. Export 12325 40.9 3. unknown 419 1.4 -------------------------------------------- 1. VeriSign Y2K-Ready 27516 91.3 Microsoft Explorer VersionsVersion MSIE Hosts % -------------------------------------------- 1. v5 114521 90.4 2. v4 9784 7.7 3. v3 522 .4 4. v2 120 .1 5. v1 2 .0 6. other 1750 1.4 -------------------------------------------- 1. Win98 82479 65.1 2. Win2K(NT5) 14165 11.2 3. Win95 13369 10.6 4. WinNT 11668 9.2 5. Mac 4030 3.2 6. Win32 353 .3 7. WebTV 222 .2 8. Win3.1 64 .1 9. X11 11 .0 10. other 338 .3 -------------------------------------------- 1. VeriSign Y2K-Ready 124305 98.1 Browser Versions - Top 40Hosts Specific Browser Version --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 22220 13.8% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt) 2. 15520 9.6% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98) 3. 12471 7.7% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90) 4. 7105 4.4% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows 98) 5. 6758 4.2% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0) 6. 5257 3.3% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0) 7. 3980 2.5% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98) 8. 3575 2.2% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 4.0) 9. 2967 1.8% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows NT; DigExt) 10. 2828 1.8% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Mac_PowerPC) 11. 2741 1.7% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 95; DigExt) 12. 2722 1.7% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 95) 13. 2322 1.4% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT) 14. 1856 1.2% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows 95) 15. 1529 .9% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 95) 16. 1128 .7% Mozilla/4.76 [en] (Win98; U) 17. 1113 .7% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows NT) 18. 1111 .7% Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win98; I) 19. 1037 .6% Mozilla/4.7 [en] (Win98; I) 20. 1008 .6% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt; 21. 996 .6% Mozilla/4.75 [en] (Win98; U) 22. 747 .5% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.5; Mac_PowerPC) 23. 701 .4% Mozilla/4.73 [en] (Win98; U) 24. 642 .4% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98) 25. 551 .3% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90; MSN 6.0) 26. 544 .3% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt; Hotbar 2.0) 27. 493 .3% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0b; Windows NT 5.0) 28. 480 .3% unknown 29. 469 .3% Mozilla/4.7 [en] (Win95; I) 30. 455 .3% Mozilla/3.01 (compatible;) 31. 455 .3% Mozilla/4.61 (Macintosh; I; PPC) 32. 449 .3% Mozilla/4.76 [en] (Win95; U) 33. 441 .3% Mozilla/4.76 (Macintosh; U; PPC) 34. 440 .3% Mozilla/4.76 [en] (WinNT; U) 35. 427 .3% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; MSNIA; Windows 98; DigExt) 36. 394 .2% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; Hotbar 2.0) 37. 390 .2% Mozilla/4.75 [en] (Win95; U) 38. 387 .2% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0b; Windows 98) 39. 384 .2% Mozilla/4.5 (Macintosh; I; PPC) 40. 376 .2% Mozilla/3.0 (compatible) |
>Entstehung | Ausbreitung | Verlierer | Vergleich | Sicherheit | Veränderung | Auswirkungen | Interaktiv | Zukunft |